Upon successful registration with the Electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHealth) or identity verification is completed (for applications submitted online, by fax, post or drop-in box), you will receive an 8-digit access key through a confirmation letter and your selected communication means (SMS / email / postal mail).


What is the access key for?

You can use your access key to manage sharing consents given to healthcare providers (HCPs) (except the Hospital Authority (HA) and the Department of Health (DH))*, including –

  • giving "one-year" or "indefinite" sharing consent to a participating HCP;
  • renewing the one-year sharing consent given to an HCP;
  • changing the type of sharing consent given to an HCP (i.e. from "one-year" to "indefinite sharing consent" or vice versa); and
  • revoking the sharing consent given to an HCP.
* Note: After joining eHealth, you are taken to have given sharing consent to HA and DH.
  • How to use access key to manage sharing consent


    1. By phone

    • With the access key, when you call your HCP to make an appointment after identity authentication, you can give your sharing consent to that HCP at the same time to authorise your doctor to access your electronic health record for pre-consultation preparation.

    2. By 24-hour Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS)

    3. In person

  • How to generate a new access key

    • If you have forgotten, lost, have not received an access key before or would like to reset your access key, you can generate a new one by using the 醫健通eHealth App or the 24-hour IVRS of the eHealth hotline for general public at (852) 3467 6300.
    • Upon successful generation, you will receive a new access key via your selected communication means and the old key will become invalid.

Frequently asked questions

  • What should a substitute decision maker (SDM) be aware of when he / she uses the access key on behalf of a patient?

    When using the access key to manage sharing consent on behalf of a patient, an SDM should be aware and ensure that -

    1. at the time of managing the sharing consent, the SDM is accompanying the patient and has regard to the best interests of him / her, and the SDM will be responsible for all matters for the patient in the circumstance;
    2. it is to the best knowledge and belief of the SDM that at the time of managing the sharing consent, the patient is under the age of 16; or is aged 16 or above and is mentally incapacitated, incapable of managing his / her own affairs, or incapable of giving a sharing consent;
    3. he / she is an eligible SDM in accordance with the requirements as set out in Electronic Health Record Sharing System Ordinance; and
    4. he / she has read and understood the "Participant Information Notice", in particular "Important Notes for SDM Handling Registration Matters on Behalf of a Healthcare Recipient (HCR)", and the "Personal Information Collection Statement".