Chinese medicine (CM) record is now included in eHealth!
Chinese medicine electronic health record sharing

To facilitate the sustainable development of CM sector, CM record is now included in the scope of sharable data in Electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHRSS) by phases. With your sharing consents, your CM record can be shared among different CM healthcare providers (HCPs).
In the current phase of CM information sharing, CM sharable domains include:
Advantage: Establish comprehensive Chinese and Western medicine health records

Enable quick access to essential medical records
With your sharing consents, CM HCPs can access your past essential medical records through eHealth, assisting CM practitioners to provide efficient and safe healthcare service to you.More timely and accurate diagnoses and treatments
eHealth allows sharing of CM health information between different CM HCPs, enabling more timely and accurate diagnoses and treatments.Continuous care and services
CM information sharing improves communication and sharing of health information among HCPs, enabling you to obtain continuous care and services from CM HCPs who have participated in eHealth.Future development
- Optimising the system, EC Connect, and continuously enhancing the functionality of the eHealth App (the App), including adding CM information to the App.
- Exploring the possibility of interoperability and sharing between Chinese medicine and Western medicine records.

Frequently asked questions
What is/are the objectives of Chinese medicine information sharing in eHealth?Expand
- To facilitate computerisation and sharing of eHR among of Chinese medicine practitioners.
- To facilitate the information sharing of eHR between Chinese and Western medicine.
- To allow secondary use of clinical data.
What is the next step / development plan for Chinese medicine information sharing of eHR?Expand
The development plan includes the following areas:
- Optimizing the system, including exploring the addition of CM information sharing in the eHealth App and continuously enhancing the functionality of EC Connect.
- Exploring the possibility of interoperability and sharing between Chinese medicine and Western medicine records.
When can the Chinese medicine information be shared in eHealth?Expand
CM information has already been included in the scope of shareable data in eHealth since March 2022.
What kind of Chinese medicine information is shared to eHealth?Expand
Currently, the following CM information is shared between CM practitioners via eHealth:
- CM Diagnosis
- CM Procedure
- CMs Prescribing Record
- CMs Dispensing Record
- Encounter / Appointment Record
- Allergy
- CMs Adverse Drug Reaction
What kind of patient's information can be accessed by CM practitioners in eHealth?Expand
Currently, CM practitioners can access to following information in eHealth:
- Personal Identification and Demographic Data
- CM Diagnosis
- CM Procedure
- CMs Prescribing Record
- CMs Dispensing Record
- Encounter / Appointment Record
- Allergy and Adverse Drug Reaction
- Immunisation Record
- Clinical Note / Summary (only applicable to specific programmes)
- Observation (i.e. blood pressure and blood sugar records) and Lifestyle (i.e. smoking and drinking habit) Records
Can I give consent to all 18 Chinese Medicine Clinics cum Training and Research Centres (CMCTRs) at the same time? How to do it?Expand
Yes, you can give the sharing consent to all operators of the 18 CMCTRs at the same time through the eHealth App or the assistance from the registration staff at any CMCTRs.