
  1. Prioritise the development of health information standards
  2. Approve standards and subsequent updates as recommended by domain groups
  3. Initiate and coordinate activities required for the standards lifecycle, e.g.
    • Need of standards for a particular domain area
    • Establishment of domain groups
    • Harmonise different standards
  4. Represent HKSAR in liaison with standards development organisations on areas relating to health information standards as appropriate


  • The HKSAR Government (Health Bureau, Digital Policy Office)
  • Academic sector (Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, Hong Kong College of Pathologists, Hong Kong College of Radiologists, Hong Kong Society of Medical Informatics)
  • Private healthcare sector (Hong Kong Medical Association, Hong Kong Private Hospitals Association)
  • Public healthcare sector (Hospital Authority, Department of Health)
  • Information technology sector (Internet Professional Association)
  • Standards body (GS1, HL7 Hong Kong)