Complete form and prepare documents
Read the following docunments:
- Important Notes for Registration in eHealth
- Guide for Healthcare Provider
- Licence for Use of the Encapsulated Linkage Security Application and Hong Kong Clinical Terminology Table
- Terms of Use for the eHR Secure Connect
- Conditions of Registration of HCP in eHealth
Private hospitals / Other than private hospitals - Code of Practice for Using Electronic Health Record for Healthcare
- Personal Information Collection Statement (PDF version)
Prepare valid supporting document by type of HCP
Submit ApplicationTo view application progress, supplement requested information or download eHR Secure Connect (eSC)
LoginRegister online in 5 simple steps
Provide healthcare provider information
Provide user information
Provide healthcare service location information
Upload supporting document
Review and submit
Technical set up
- An acceptance email with instructions for you to install eHR Secure Connect (eSC) software, and
- An email with a password required for installation.
2. You are required to install the eSC in order to access Electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHealth).
3. Your registration will be considered successful 14 days after the acceptance email.
4. If you need technical assistance, you can log in "eHealth Registration for Healthcare Provider" system and submit a request within 14 days from the acceptance email.
User administrator and other user accounts
User administrator is responsible for creating user accounts for the HCP's staff members.
Sample of User Account Creation Request Form
To add or replace user administrator, please submit the "HCP/HSL Amendment Form" to eHR RO.
How to manage user accounts
Upon completion of registration, you will receive the followings:
Confirmation email
eHealth label for display at HSLs
Hong Kong identity card reader for patient registration
Technical advice on eHealth connection
HCP register
After successful registration, name of HCP, address of registered service location and contact phone number will be published on the HCP register at the eHealth website for public's view.
eHealth label will be provided for HCP's display at its premises to indicate eHealth participation.
Search for registered HCP13 HCProf groups specified in the Electronic Health Record Sharing System Ordinance (Cap. 625) (eHRSSO)
eHealth registration is HCP-based. If the HCP you work for has joined eHealth, you may need to obtain authorisation to access eHealth from your HCP. In addition, you will need to maintain an active professional registration status with respective professional boards and councils.
- Medical practitioner (doctor), dentist, midwife, nurse, pharmacist, medical laboratory technologist, occupational therapist, part I optometrist, radiographer, physiotherapist, dental hygienist, chiropractor and Chinese medicine practitioner
- To access eHealth, HCProfs with valid registration status can apply to their working HCPs for creation of eHealth accounts
Related information
Frequently asked questions
What the organisation should do if it would like to register in eHealth?Expand
Any HCP who would like to register in eHealth should:
- Contact eHR RO for more information regarding administrative and technical arrangement.
- Read the eHRSSO, the Code of Practice for Using eHR for Healthcare (COP), and Conditions of Registration to understand related responsibilities and expected practices for participation.
We are a group practice with satellite clinics all over Hong Kong, is it possible for us to register some of our clinics in eHealth only?Expand
- eHealth registration is HCP (organisation) basis.
- HCPs can register all or some of the healthcare institution / clinic locations (or HSLs) providing care under its supervision to join eHealth.
- HCPs will be responsible for administrative arrangement, supervision and monitoring of eHR access by its HCProfs and sharing of records via their clinical computer record system at all registered locations.
I am working in solo practice which is a small clinic. Although I support the idea of eHealth and eHR sharing, I have no spare capacity and resource to set up patient registration function in my clinic. Can I still register in eHealth?Expand
- HCPs fulfilling certain conditions will be allowed to perform the registration procedures to help their patients to join eHealth.
- eHR Office does not expect all HCPs, especially that HCP in solo-practice or small group practice, to be responsible for patient registration function.
- They can inform patients to enrol eHealth via mail, internet or in person at designated eHR registration centres for registration (list of registration centres can be found here).
- HCPs are welcome to join eHealth notwithstanding whether they perform patient registration function.
I have my own clinic and I am also a visiting medical officer (VMO) in some private hospitals, should I register myself as a HCP or a HCProf under my clinic or the private hospitals?Expand
- eHealth registration is HCP (organisation) basis. For the clinic owned by the doctor, the clinic (e.g. Dr Chan Tai Man Clinic) should be registered as a HCP.
- HCProfs (e.g. doctors and nurses) working under the HCP (the Clinic) shall maintain an authorised user accounts through their HCP to use eHealth.
- If the doctor (e.g. Dr Chan Tai Man in this case) also needs to access eHR of patients in another HCP, e.g. in private hospital as a VMO, Dr Chan Tai Man needs to open a user account via the private hospital with eHealth as well.
- Despite a HCProf may have separate user accounts under different HCPs (e.g. in this case under a clinic and a private hospital), in order to streamline the authentication process for eHR, each HCProf can use the same log-in password for authentication at different HCPs (i.e. clinic or hospital).
My clinic is not ready to share record to eHealth, can my clinic join?Expand
- HCPs and HCProfs are welcome to join eHealth and view their patients' eHR in eHealth even they do not use any electronic medical record system and have no health record to be shared to eHealth yet.
- However, it is still advisable for HCPs and HCProfs to explore implementation or upgrade of their record systems for sharing.
- There are software solutions available in the market. eHR Office also has developed simple Clinical Management Systems (CMS On-Ramp software package and CMS Adaptation Modules) for private sectors to facilitate computerisation of their record systems and make health information of their patients sharable in eHealth in the long run.