What is HKCTT?

The Hong Kong Clinical Terminology Table (HKCTT) is a standardised clinical terminology table developed to support the interoperable the Electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHealth) in Hong Kong.

The table provides a uniform way for healthcare providers to record and transmit clinical information. Clinical data relating to patient consultations or encounters can be recorded using consistent representations to facilitate clinicians' mutual interpretation of the clinical concepts. The table has demonstrated its interoperability which facilitates clinicians' efficient and accurate understanding on clinical records, to enable delivery of better health care services to the patient.

The HKCTT makes reference to various international terminologies commonly used in Hong Kong. It supports secondary use of clinical data for healthcare research, teaching, health care management, disease surveillance and clinical decision support.


Terms and conditions

This Term of use sets forth the legally binding terms for the use of the HKCTT. HKCTT Users should acknowledge that they have read and understand all the terms and conditions listed upon logging in to the eHealth.


Editorial guide on HKCTT

The Editorial Guide on HKCTT is a compilation of documents which provides an overview of the structure, content and management principles of HKCTT in specific domains.


Guide on implementation & maintenance of HKCTT

This guide provides an overview on issues relating to the use and maintenance of HKCTT.